Features Overview

See below for past and ongoing projects, industry sponsored, government (NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea) and internal (UNIST).

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IoT Product design for early-stage dementia support

2018.03.01-2018.12.31 | UNIST Discovering research excellence | 45,000,000 KRW | role: PI

Collaborative seed funding across design and human factors to explore design-driven solutions to support early-stage dementia sufferers, with focus upon memory support.


Hyundai car sound app design

2017.11.10~2018.01.31 | Trendy App Inc. | 11,346,000 KRW | role: Co-PI

Project in collaboration with industry sponsor and engineering faculty to provide UI/UX solutions for App. design towards in-car engine sound simulation and user control.

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Integrated smart-drone project

2017.07.17~2017.11.30 | Industry project | 9,500,000 KRW | role: Co-PI

Design and development of smart drone in collaboration with industry partners specialising in engineering and control platforms.


Comparative study of interdisciplinary education between Korean & UK institutions

2015.07.01~2015.12.31 | UNIST, UMI Future Strategic Research Fund | 16,000,000 KRW | role: PI

Study to explore the driver and barriors for successful interdisciplinary design education at undergraduate level.


Exploring the role and use of digital sketching tools

2012.10.15~2014.04.14 | UNIST, Settlement Grant | 30,000,000 KRW | role: PI

Research to explore the implications of digital sketching for the reflective act of designing when employed during conceptual design.

Plant Diary: IoT product design solution for indoor horticulture

2016.03.01-2016.12.01 | In-house Lab project | role: Co-supervisor

The development of an IoT product design for indoor plants to monitor and enhance health and growth. An award winning design In collaboration with ipd Lab, UNIST.




Future home

2018.04.01~2018.09.30 | LG Electronics Co., Ltd. | 50,000,000 | role: Co-PI

Project to explore and position future home living scenarios and related product ideas, leveraging emergent technologies.

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Collaborative Augmented Reality for Learning (CARL)

2017.03.01~2017.12.31 | UNIST | 50,000,000 KRW | role: Co-PI

Interdisciplinary project (design, HCI, CS) to explore opportunities and possibilities towards AR/VR solutions within the learning and education space. Proto: Conceptual tool for augmented prototyping

Design Convergence Specialised Programme

2017.03.28~2017.12.27 | Korean Institute of Design Promotion | 830,000,000 KRW | role: Co-PI

In collaboration with Ulsan City Gov. and Ulsan University, programme to foster and young start-up teams and entrepreneurial activities.


Smart toy usability and user experience project

2014.10.01~2015.09.30 | Korean Institute of Science & Technology | 40,000,000 KRW | role: Co-PI

Project to explore and develop concepts towards smart toy design for direct industry up-take and future commercialization.

ToyBox: From utility to delight

2016.01.01-present | UNIST, lab project | role: PI

multi award-winning, transformative design project aimed at NGOs and charitable foundations. A social design intervention aimed at the world's most disadvantaged children.

Product (re)design of Boksoondoga

2016.03.01-2016.12.01 | Boksoondoga | MGP | role: Supervisor

Design and development work towards product packaging design. Engineering solution to reduce overspill when openening, combined with design work towards new company product lines. 

Dr. Pik vacuum oral cleaner for home use

2017.09.18~2018.01.31 |   Doctor Pik Industry sponsor | 66,860,000 KRW | role: Co-PI

Industry project to develop and deliver product concept for oral health. In collaboration with emotion lab, UNIST.


Sketching as Co-design tool during conceptual ideation

2015.05.01~2017.04.30 | National Research Foundation of Korea | 52,400,000 | role: PI

Study to explore the role and use of various design representations during conceptual, co-design ideation; implications for shared understanding and product development.

Development & commercialization of personal transportation system for future mobility

2016.10.01~2017.11.30 | Mando Co., Ltd. | 90,000,000 KRW | role: Co-PI

The design and development of platform for urban mobility/delivery utalizing company's existing technology and engineering expertise. In collaboration with Creative Design Lab, UNIST. 

Exploring creative design ideation in situations of complex uncertainty

2013.05.01~2014.04.30 | National Research Foundation of Korea | 26,200,000 KRW | role: PI

Study to explore the role and use of sketching as means to represent design intentions with particular focus upon solution ideation.